As a professional rodeo barrel racer, Kristel competes competitively at professional rodeos all around the country. She maintains a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and good horsemanship, while always helping those around her to do the same. Constantly developing and improving within the sport has become a strong focus for her. She also cross trains by taking classical dressage lessons, focus on her health and fitness, and continually study horsemanship, equine health, nutrition and anatomy. Her goal in her barrel racing program is to never stop learning and improving both her horses and herself.
Growing up in a cattle ranching family, horses have always been an integral part of Kristel’s life. Her dad instilled in her at a young age the importance of proper care of their animals and good horsemanship while working on the family ranch. It wasn’t until middle school that she really got involved in competitive equine events, when at a local 4-H meeting a friend made the comment that she should try some rodeo events. She decided to give it a go and entered her first junior rodeo with no idea what she was getting herself into. Although she didn’t do very well on her old ranch horse, that one rodeo was enough to ignite a new love for rodeo. Her new desire was to be a competitive junior rodeo athlete in roping and speed events. While climbing up the ranks through junior, high school, college and amateur rodeo, she decided to focus in on her true love of barrel racing. She still picks up a rope from time to time, and always enjoys a good day of ranch work, but her love of barrel racing has kept her focused in on the sport that she truly loves.
Geographical Area:
Livermore, California
Barrel Racing
Industry Organization Membership:
- Women’s Professional Rodeo Association
- West Coast Barrel Racing Association
Career Highlights:
- Qualifying for the American Rodeo Semi Finals
- West Coast Barrel Racing Association Top 5
- Winning Bakersfield Professional Rodeo
Favorite Weaver products:
Synergy Natural Fit Saddle Pad
Airflex Cinch
Synergy Athletic Boots
Visit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristeli