Learn With Stacy Westfall

One of the most sought-after clinicians in the horse industry, Stacy is known for her bareback and bridleless championship ride that’s been viewed by millions of people online. She is the only woman to win the Road to the Horse colt starter competition and was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in 2012.
Weaver Leather is pleased to partner with Stacy Westfall of Westfall Horsemanship in bringing you an informative series of online video. Stacy, a natural horsemanship expert and award winning horsewoman, covers a range of important topics to help keep you safe on the trail. She believes in providing you with effective training methods that are straightforward, practical and that work into your everyday life. These video includes:
- Safety tips to keep in mind before you hit the trail.
- A look at the problems horse and rider may encounter on the trail. You’ll learn about forward movement with helpful tips on crossing streams and mud. You’ll also learn about proper seat position and its role in going up and down hills as well as an in-depth look at the one-rein stop.
- A variety of arena training exercises to prepare you for the trail including bending with a lunge whip, exercises with the ball that help control your horse’s emotions and reenacting scenarios you may encounter on the trail.
- Stacy will then take you back to the trail to apply the arena training exercises to real-life trail situations.
To view this entire video series tune to our YouTube channel
Want to learn more about Stacy Westfall? Visit www.westfallhorsemanship.com
Also check out the behind the scenes Q&A session with Stacy, here!