Horseman and clinician Richard Winters has been helping people through training, clinics, horse expos, horse training DVD’s, videos, books and more for over thirty years. Winters masterful communication skills shine with his expertise as a performance horse trainer with a natural horsemanship touch. From reined cow horses to jumping and dressage, his horsemanship is universal. He has earned many accomplishments such as 2005 World Championship in the National Reined Cow Horse Association, 2009 Road to the Horse Colt Starting Championship and would be the first to say that he is someone a lot like you, simply a little boy who grew up loving horses!
Lives In
Reno, Nevada
Wife: Cheryl
Two Grown Children: Joseph and Sarah
Richard Winters Horsemanship
Areas of expertise
Reined Cow Horses
Industry organization membership
National Reined Cow Horse Association
When did you get involved with horses?
I was raised in town and my parents did not own horses. At 12 years of age I rode my bicycle to a local stable and was the proverbial "stable brat". I just kept looking for opportunities and
never quit.
Who/what has been your main influence in the horse world?
Like so many others, Tom Dorrance and Ray Hunt had a huge influence on my training philosophy. I was privileged to ride with both of them before they passed away.
Hall of Fame member, Ted Robinson, was a huge help as I started to show cow horses. I probably would not be showing cow horses today if it was not for all of his guidance.
What is your go-to piece of advice when you are training, conducting clinics or speaking to a group?
Three principles that answer every training question.
1) Make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult
2) Be firm as necessary and gentle as possible
3) Reward the slightest try
Favorite Weaver Leather products
The contoured saddle pad really fits well on the horses back. Others have tried to do it. Weaver has got it done!
What was the name of your first horse?
What was your favorite horse you’ve ever owner or trained and why?
Hip Adams was a great cow horse that was able to earn his Supreme Reined Cow Horse rating during the years that I had him. He was a great horse.
What was the first class you ever won?
I won my first buckle in a cowboy pleasure class many years ago. Your first buckle is always pretty special.
What is your favorite show or event to attend?
Cow Horse shows and rodeos. Oh yeah, anything that has a horse in it!
What activities do you enjoy outside of horses?
I'll have to give that some more thought.
Do you have an embarrassing moment involving horses?
If anyone would've been watching, it would've been the morning in 1981. I was bucked off six times before lunch!
What’s your favorite place to ride?
Going "down the fence" alongside a cow.
Fun fact
My wife says I'm addicted to horses. I think it's a healthy addiction.
To learn more about Richard Winters, visit www.wintersranch.com