Horse Deworming: 5 Reasons Spring and Fall are Best

By Weaver Leather  •   2 minute read

Horse Deworming: 5 Reasons Spring and Fall are Best

You know deworming your horse is important for their health and wellbeing, but do you know why spring and fall are the best seasons to tackle this essential part of horse care?

Internal parasites can cause a host of horse health issues that have negative impacts on both performance and quality of life. That’s why it’s important to work with your veterinarian to develop the best equine parasite control program for your horse.

Here are some key reasons to prioritize horse deworming in both the spring and fall:

  1. Seasonal Parasite Cycles – Keep in mind that parasites have specific life cycles, making their activity vary throughout the year. The larvae and eggs of certain parasites are generally more abundant in both the spring and the fall. As a result, it’s important to target parasites during these periods when your horse is most susceptible to infection.
  2. Reducing Parasite Burden – A regular deworming regimen helps to reduce the overall parasite burden in your horse’s digestive system. In addition to improving your horse’s digestion and nutrient absorption, this is also key in helping with overall horse health.
  3. Preventing Horse Health Problems – Weight loss, colic, diarrhea, anemia, and a weakened immune system are all possible health issues that can be a result of internal parasites. Deworming your horse on a regular schedule helps prevent these horse health issues, resulting in enhanced well being for your equine partner.
  4. Protecting Pasture and Herd Mates – To protect all the horses in your pasture, it’s important to minimize the number of parasite eggs and larvae that are shed into the environment with a regular deworming schedule. Keeping parasite and larvae numbers down will help prevent other horses from ingesting them and becoming infected.
  5. Increased Dewormer Effectiveness – A strategic approach to deworming in the spring and fall will hone in on parasites at just the right stage of their life cycle. This targeted approach helps make the dewormer more effective in controlling the overall parasite population.

Talk with your veterinarian to develop a targeted and effective deworming program based on your horse’s unique needs and parasite exposure. Regularly examining fecal egg counts can help pinpoint what parasites are present and if your horse has a high, moderate, or low parasite load. Armed with this information, you’ll have better guidance on the most appropriate dewormers for your horse while helping to reduce the development of parasite drug resistance.


Horse Deworming and Pasture Management: An Integrated Approach

When it comes to horse health, an integrated approach is the key to success. Working with your veterinarian to determine the best dewormer for your horse’s needs is part of the puzzle. Take your program to the next level with effective pasture management practices like regular manure removal and rotational grazing.

When you pair good pasture management with regular deworming, you’re positioned to help protect your horse’s health.

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