When I was a Teenager

By Michaela Gannett  •   2 minute read

When I was a Teenager

When I was a teenager someone gave me a guitar and taught me three chords. It was great! I could now play almost every country western song I knew. It’s now almost 40 years later. Someone told me recently, “Richard, I don’t know anyone who has played the guitar as long as you have played and improved as little as you have improved.” I’m afraid they’re right. Can you imagine how good I would be with a guitar if I had only spent a little time practicing these last four decades?

I am determined not to let that happen with my horsemanship. Even though I have been a professional horseman for 35 years, I am constantly practicing and trying to get better. If I have an opportunity to go ride with someone and get some new ideas, I do it. If there’s a training video that looks interesting, I watch it. An article on horse training? I read it.

Horsemanship is a lifelong endeavor. There is so much to learn. I would be very depressed to think that I would not be any better in my horsemanship skills five years from now then I am today.

What about you? How has your horsemanship improved over the last five years? What are you actively doing to improve your horsemanship skills. Are you going to a clinic? Taking some lessons? Are you riding and sharing ideas with some friends?

It’s spring time. The weather is good and it’s time to ride. Let’s step outside our comfort zone and be proactive on this horsemanship journey. There are new skills to learn and progress to be made. Let’s be like the old preacher who said, “I’m not what I ought to be and I’m not where I should be. But thank God I’m not where I was!”

Happy trails,


Learn more about Weaver Leather Prostaff member Richard Winters on Facebook or his website at www.wintersranch.com

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